What Is A Starbucks Puppuccino?
Before you start drooling over your computer screen, this isn’t for you! This is what dog owners order for their ...
Can Dogs Eat Banana Chips?
I must be honest, I’ve only recently discovered banana chips, and I absolutely love them! As a dog parent, I’m ...
Why Is My Jack Russell Panting?
Panting is a dog’s natural way of cooling themselves. Dogs pant when they are too hot or excited, and for ...
Can Jack Russells Eat Oranges?
I don’t know about you, but I simply can’t get enough of oranges. They taste good, and they’re healthy as ...
Can Dogs Eat Apple Skin?
I love having an apple as a snack every now and again and, as I’m sure you do too, I ...
Can Jack Russells Eat Fruit?
Yes, Jack Russells can eat certain types of fruit. Fruits are healthy for dogs as long as they are not ...
Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin Seeds?
I was busy preparing a pumpkin for Halloween the other day, and as usual, my dogs were right by my ...
Do Jack Russells Need Sunscreen?
I’m very lucky and grateful to live near the beach, and I often take my Jack Russells for a walk ...
Can Dogs Eat Baked Beans?
Baked beans are a classic, American side dish that people enjoy eating in their homes and at restaurants. In addition ...
Can Humans Get Fleas From Dogs?
Did you know there are more than 2,000 types of fleas? All of them have their own preferred chomping grounds, ...