Honey is a sweet natural syrup made by bees from the nectar they collect from flowers. It is an all-natural product that has been consumed for centuries. Although there is some disagreement on the subject, most dog experts agree that honey is safe for dogs to eat in small quantities.
Can Jack Russells Eat Honey?
Yes, Jack Russells can eat honey. However, they should only consume small quantities at a time and certainly not every day. As with any food, moderation is the key and you should always check with your vet before giving honey to your dog.
How much honey can I give my Jack Russell?
The most common concern we hear is about honey being harmful to dogs. Well, that’s not entirely true.
Honey in significant quantities (same with any sweet thing) can cause stomach issues for your pet, but if your dog has a normal amount of food, it will likely even out the additional sugar.
That being said, the average recommended dosage for a healthy adult Jack Russell is approximately one teaspoon per day.
Does honey give Jack Russells diarrhea?
Treating your dog with honey for his cuts and scrapes may seem like a good idea at first, but an excess amount can be hard on his system.
Honey contains sugars that are not healthy for dogs in excess amounts. In fact, too much honey at once can cause your dog’s blood sugar to rise and could result in vomiting or diarrhea.
The benefits of feeding your Jack Russell Honey
Honey is thought to have a wide variety of beneficial effects. Natural sugars in honey can help address seasonal allergies and sweeten your dog’s breath.
Although a dog should not be fed honey regularly, it is safe to feed them a small amount of honey once in a while. Dogs typically enjoy the taste of honey and will eat it when they find it.
Let’s have a look at a few health benefits of honey.
1.) It can cure seasonal allergies
Honey is a natural anti-histamine. When your dog eats honey, it slowly introduces pollen into her system; this helps her build antibodies. When the warmer weather returns, these antibodies prevent an autoimmune response to airborne pollen.
2.) It is a natural, non-addictive source of sugar
If your dog has diabetes, honey can be used for an occasional treat. But because it’s sweeter than sugar, you should use only a small amount.
3.) It helps soothe cuts and scrapes
Honey is known as an antibacterial agent that has been used to help heal wounds or disinfect skin for thousands of years. It can kill harmful bacteria and promote faster healing of open wounds and minor cuts on dogs’ skin.
4.) Natural antibiotic
Honey is a natural antibiotic; it doesn’t have synthetic compounds like synthetic antibiotics do. When using honey in place of antibiotics, it is important to know that the honey should be the only treatment your dog receives, and never mix honey with medicine.
5.) Fight the effects of dental disease
Honey can kill bacteria that cause plaque on your dog’s teeth. It also assists in maintaining the health of his gums. This is important because if your dog’s gums are soft from lack of saliva, he can’t eat properly.
6.) Can treat diarrhea and bloating
Honey can help soothe irritated intestines. If your dog has diarrhea or is suffering from intestinal or stomach upset, add a few drops of honey to his water bowl on a regular basis. Over time, it can cure his upset stomach and bowel problems.
7.) Relieve bad breath
Honey contains natural enzymes that fight bad breath. The enzymes eliminate bacteria and other substances from your dog’s mouth that cause bad breath. Add a spoonful of honey to your dog’s food on a regular basis, and you will see results in no time.
8.) Coughing and Throat Irritation
Honey contains antioxidants and enzymes that can soothe irritated throats. If your dog is suffering from a cough, add one teaspoon of honey to your dog’s food on a regular basis. It will help him fight his cough and soothe his throat.
What is the best type of honey to give to Jack Russells?
Most dogs have a sweet tooth and love honey. If you choose to give your Jack Russell honey, it’s best to use raw honey.
Raw honey can offer more health benefits than processed honey and is more likely to contain beneficial microorganisms that may help aid digestion.
Can I feed honey to a Jack Russell puppy?
Feeding honey to a Jack Russell puppy is not recommended because it can contain Clostridium Botulinum Spores. Very young pups have an undeveloped immune system, so the honey may cause them to get very sick.
We recommend substituting honey with a safe treat and remember, only feed him treats as a training aid, not as a substitute for good nutrition.
How to feed honey to your Jack Russell
You can put one teaspoon of raw honey in a little bit of peanut butter. Or you can just drizzle honey on his favorite food like kibble, dog biscuits, or mixed-up dog treats.
I usually give my pups 1 teaspoon of raw honey in their wet dog food (which contains fish oil), a tiny bit of peanut butter, or just sprinkle some on top for more nutrition.
Some Jack Russells with a sweet tooth may enjoy nibbling on some honey now and then. Honey is mostly made up of natural sugars, which are safe for your dog to eat in small quantities.
Remember that because it’s sweet, dogs will likely try to lick off a bit whenever they can. If you choose to offer it as a treat, just monitor your dog to be sure he doesn’t eat too much and follow the same general rules on moderation as you would with any other food.